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Local domestic cleaning service

To find your local One Less Thing domestic cleaning service provider, click on the branch closest to you from the below. Or get an instant quote for local house cleaning service near you by entering your postcode into our online cleaning quote tool.

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West Midlands


Local domestic cleaners

If you’re looking for a regular cleaning service or a one-off deep cleaning for your house then One Less Thing is here for you. Our professional cleaning services are provided by local cleaners, each vetted and approved by our local cleaning company branches.

Each approved domestic cleaner has passed our 100-point vetting process that includes interviews, reference checking, a DBS-check and test cleaning. This ensures that your domestic cleaner is professional and reliable and works to the required cleaning standard.

Get the same domestic cleaner each time

For regular cleaning service we assign you the same cleaner each visit to build trust and ensure your home is cleaned efficiently. We find that clients prefer to meet their cleaner and know that the same cleaner is cleaning their home each time.

However, if you’d like to change your professional cleaner at any point that’s fine too. Each One Less Thing branch provides local account management and so can arrange this for you. This avoids any awkwardness of difficult conversations with your cleaner.

Picture of a domestic cleaner near me working in a client's house

Examples of cleaning services we provide

The house cleaning services we arrange include:

  • Regular domestic cleaning (weekly or fortnightly visits)
  • One off spring clean or deep clean

During each visit your cleaner can look after a variety of cleaning tasks, including:

  • General cleaning services
  • In-home ironing
  • Cleaning inside windows
  • Putting the bins out
  • Any other reasonable cleaning task

How much does a cleaner near me cost?

We pride ourselves in providing professional cleaners at affordable prices, whilst being able to attract the best cleaners in each area. This balance means that you get an outstanding service and great value, and local account management from your One Less Thing branch.

Are you a local cleaner looking for work?

Are you a fantastic cleaner that would like to provide a regular domestic cleaning service to clients in your local area? We arrange regular and one-off cleaning work for professional house cleaners throughout the UK, via our network of local cleaning service branches.

We’re a cleaning agency, which means that, as an approved cleaner, you’ll deliver domestic cleaning services to our clients. We bring one-off or regular domestic cleaning jobs to you so you can spend more of your time being paid to clean.

Picture of a local domestic cleaning completing cleaning tasks

You can apply join our approved list of reliable domestic cleaners by filling in our online application form. We’ll then get in touch to talk your through our approval process. Once you’re approved, you’ll tell us the days, times and locations that you’d like to provide house cleaning services and we bring you cleaning to work match.

For more information about how we can find domestic cleaning work for you, visit our cleaning work near me page to find out how much our professional cleaners earn in your local area. You can then apply online.

How we provide our local domestic cleaning services

One Less Thing is proud to be a domestic cleaning franchise. Our reliable house cleaning services are arranged by local cleaning agency branches. Each branch’s customer service team offers an effective and reliable cleaning service with local knowledge and account management.

Each of our cleaning agency branches provide our effective professional cleaning agency service. They’re owned and operated by independent franchisees under the One Less Thing brand. You can find the contact details for your local cleaning service branch on the relevant branch page on this website, or (for clients) in your domestic cleaning service agreement.

Domestic & house
cleaning service

Get a cleaner home and more quality time with our domestic cleaning service.

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